Email: making arrangements
Here are some useful phrases for making arrangements
Formal phrases
- I am writing to arrange a time for a meeting.
- When would be convenient for you.
- When would suit you?
- I would like to suggest Monday at 4:00 pm.
- I would be able to take part in a video call on Wednesday at 10:00 am.
- I am afraid I cannot manage Monday.
- I would like to confirm our call on Tuesday at 9:30 am.
- Please let me know if anything changes from your side.
Informal phrases
- How about meeting up next week?
- Let me know when would work for you.
- Can you make Tuesday at 3:00 pm?
- I’m free on Wednesday morning. How about you?
- I can make Thursday between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
- I’m afraid I can’t make Monday anymore.
- I can confirm our call on Tuesday.
- Let me know if anything changes.
And here are some phrases for changing an arrangement
Formal phrases
- I am afraid I am no longer able to attend our meeting on Monday.
- I am afraid I am no longer able to take part in our call on Tuesday.
- I am afraid I need to postpone our meeting.
- I am afraid I need to change the time of our meeting.
- Can we arrange a different time?
Informal phrases
- I’m afraid I can’t make Monday after all.
- I’m sorry, but we’re going to need to postpone our call. Something has come up.
- I’m sorry, but we are going to need to find a different time for our meeting.
- Can we rearrange?